Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Finally Gave In.

Okay, so after debating joining this whole blogger culture I decided, what the fuck? I complain about being bored and lonely so why not air my grievances and make some virtual friends in the process. I assume this will only be read by the likes of Jenn and Katrina but now at least they'll know what's going on with me on a more frequent basis.

Don't get me wrong I am a frequent reader of several blogs I just never thought I could compose my thoughts in a way that would a.) interest people and b.) say anything worth reading. My fears and trepidations were quickly squashed when I was a guest at an L.A. blogger party. I think that deserves a separate post...will discuss later.

So welcome to my lame ass blog, let's hope this doesn't suck. Suggestions and
comments are encouraged, yo! And I promise if this does suck it will be deleted instantly.

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